Buckelwale beobachtuen in Gansbaai Südafrika
2 February 2021Hermanus Whale Festival 2021 – Cancelled
21 June 2021Hermanus Whale Watching 2021 - Walker Bay Whale Day Celebration.
We are elated to announce our first annual Walker Bay Whale Day Celebration in honour of the arrival of our migratory great whales.
In association with Gansbaai Tourism and The Village Explorer, we will be hosting a small event in Gansbaai harbour with food, drink, a beach clean up and whale watching tours for only R400,00 per person on the 19th of June.
Southern Right Whales and Humpback Whales are currently making the migration from their feeding grounds in Sub Antarctica to our shores.
Southern Right Whales calve off the coast of South Africa, with most of the births taking place in the protected waters of De Hoop Nature Reserve.
2021 Whale Season we hope to see Humpback Whales moving towards Mozambique and Madagascar to calve, though sometimes we see young calves in our waters too.
This time of year is great for Humpback Whale Watching as well as spotting the first few Southern Rights as they arrive from their long journey.
Join us on the 19th of June for a 2 hour ocean adventure in search of these gentle Giants. Whales have already been spotted from the shoreline of De Kelders and we are very excited to head out and find them for ourselves.
In addition to our whale watching tours, we also have a Coastal Clean Up hosted by Gansbaai Tourism at 1pm.
Pollution is a grave threat to whales and dolphins around the world. Study after study indicates that whales are washing up with stomachs full of plastic and other pollutants.
In order to fully celebrate and honour our whales, we also need to do all that we can to protect their environment.
Hermanus Whale Watching 2021 begins with a Beach clean up, one of the easiest ways to contribute to the health and conservation of our ocean creatures.
At our event, we also strive to do away with single use plastic, so please do bring your reusable mugs, bags and containers should you wish to purchase coffee or snacks.
We will have eco friendly alternatives available, but we believe that we should be reducing, res-using and repurposing all before we chose products to recycle.
One Day Special use Promotional Code FBWW.
Book Online- Click Here!